We offer everything from complete maintenance services to weekly mowing, and we tailor our lawn care program to your specific needs. We take a considered, methodical approach to landscape design. We work closely with you to source materials, estimate costs, and provide the best engineering services.
We work with customers to design not just the pool but the hardscape around it. Our engineers and designers can customize the shape of your pool, as well as the materials used. A green roof can reduce heat, noise, and your building's carbon footprint. Steele Blades holds a CT Certificate for garden roof installation, so you can rest easy that the right people are on the job.
Whether you need a new irrigation system, or you need to retrofit your existing system, Steele Blades' irrigation systems can save you 30% to 50% on your water bill.
We work with customers to design not just the pool but the hardscape around it. Our engineers and designers can customize the shape of your pool, as well as the materials used. A green roof can reduce heat, noise, and your building's carbon footprint. Steele Blades holds a CT Certificate for garden roof installation, so you can rest easy that the right people are on the job.
Whether you need a new irrigation system, or you need to retrofit your existing system, Steele Blades' irrigation systems can save you 30% to 50% on your water bill.
Steele Blades is a full-service lawn care and landscaping company, grown over fifteen years from a one-man operation into a dedicated and highly-trained team with a fleet of trucks. We've built our company on customer satisfaction, quality, and superior workmanship; let our team of professionals complete your project for you on time.
Everyone loves to swim when it's hot (or soak in a hot tub when it's cold), and what better way to do that than in your own pool? Steele Blades is more than just a landscaping company; we also provide expert pool design and installation services so you can have the pool of your dreams. We can even install pools on a slope!