Legacy Builders offered us the freedom to build exactly the house we wanted. They helped us at every turn to create one of the best homes in Marin. We are extremely pleased with their impeccable level of quality and service and would highly recommend them to anyone who wants to build an extraordinary home.
Legacy Builders did a great job for us. They went way beyond the typical contractor duties and overcame obstacles in the building process including helping us improve the plans as we got deeper into the construction. They kept us on track by negotiating with the building department and neighbors.
We ended up with a spectacular house, in far less time than it took the builder across the street from us, in large part due to the attention to detail and responsiveness to our needs from Legacy Builders.Marin encompasses 530,048 acres and is home to 252,409 lucky residents as of the 2010 census. If you wanted to buy all 79,086 parcels, the assessed value is over $40 billion.
Legacy Builders did a great job for us. They went way beyond the typical contractor duties and overcame obstacles in the building process including helping us improve the plans as we got deeper into the construction. They kept us on track by negotiating with the building department and neighbors.
We ended up with a spectacular house, in far less time than it took the builder across the street from us, in large part due to the attention to detail and responsiveness to our needs from Legacy Builders.Marin encompasses 530,048 acres and is home to 252,409 lucky residents as of the 2010 census. If you wanted to buy all 79,086 parcels, the assessed value is over $40 billion.
Legacy Builders strives to exceed the expectations of traditional contractor clients by delivering service levels that are typically available only to professional developers. Our unique Developer For Hire approach is collaborative and consultative resulting in far greater specificity at dramatically lower cost.
Before starting his Bay area real estate career over 30 years ago Mr. Sherer earned a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science from UCLA and an MBA from Yale. From 1984 to 1988, among other activities, he was an acquisition specialist for a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) at a national real estate firm headquartered in San Francisco that purchased, financed and developed over $600 million in real estate.
The structure of our Developer For Hire service guarantees you the lowest cost for your house. You select your own costs for each product and service -- all at wholesale developer prices. Your savings may start at the design phase where we can often save you 50% over traditional retail price architecture fees by providing a "developer" set of plans, including material selection assistance.
Legacy Builders is committed to preserving our natural resources. We encourage clients to select methods and materials that are sustainable and environmantally considerate. Please incorporate some of the ideas below when specifying how your home will be built. We would be delighted to assist you in a complete specification for your new efficient home, whether it be LEED Platinum certified or just globally thoughtful.
Reviews (1)
Breann Dixon
Nov 27, 2019
I helped with a landscaping job here and I worked really hard but I have only been paid for 2 hours and Im still owed almost 40 hours of pay. I have turned in timesheets twice and it has been well over a month since I worked there but still nothing. I think I will have to file a wage claim with the labor board to get my pay.