
Your source for Wall Tents, Canvas Tents, Glamping Tents, Boat Covers, Bimini Tops, Tarps, Outdoor Gear, Hunting Gear, Horse Gear, Awnings and Custom Manufacturing. We have been trusted by our customers for over 40 years to produce the highest quality generational products. We are located between the towering mountains of Glacier National Park and the rolling meadows of Yellowstone National Park in the great state of Montana.
Our product mix and manufacturing capabilities are very diverse. Our focus is on outdoor pursuits whether it be on foot, horseback, bicycle, vehicle or anything in-between. Explore the products featured, surf our website, give us a call, stop by or send us an email. We want to share with you our story and our products.
Hunters who spend a lot of time in the back-country know that a quality wall tent is the foundation for a comfortable camp and successful hunting experience. Big Sky Canvas's Wall Tents are the perfect sportsman's home away from home. Long preferred by outfitters wanting a stable base camp, they are quickly becoming the choice of more and more big-game hunters who realize a tent is more than a place to sleep.
Canvas has a much longer life-span than nylon or polyester. Canvas can be re-treated for waterproofing, fireproofing, or UV agents. It is also very breathable, which keeps moisture out of the tent, prevents condensation. Our Wall Tents have been tested for decades. Many of our customers have had our tents in use for decades.
Bring us any idea and we will work to make it exactly to your specifications with the finest materials. If you need something made from a fabric we have a solution. We love working with customers on new ideas. Our portfolio of custom work is extensive. Manufacturing a high-quality product can become an intense balancing act between cost management, engineering skill, and customer desires.
We custom manufacture our truck tarps with a revolutionary truck tarp fabric that is 33% lighter than the average lumber tarp, Shelter-lite. Shelter-lite features a nylon base for easier handling and cold temperature flexibility, and a unique fabric coating that provides the strength and durability of an 18oz vinyl tarp, but weighs only 13oz.