Vision Loss can be a traumatic experience. This is especially true if you have just begun to lose your vision (Low Vision). Having Low Vision means that even with regular glasses, contact lenses, medicine, or surgery, you find everyday tasks difficult to do. Reading the mail, shopping, cooking, and writing can all seem challenging.
Your doctor may not be able to restore your vision, but Low Vision services can help you make the most of what is remaining. You can continue enjoying friends, family, hobbies, and other interests just as you always have. The key is to not delay use of these services. You can make an appointment to visit one of our Low Vision Clinics in Grand Rapids, Holland or Muskegon, by calling (616) 458-1187.
In 2020, ABVI became an independent subsidiary of Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital. Both organizations have for more than a century served people with disabilities using therapeutic interventions and specialized technology.
Your doctor may not be able to restore your vision, but Low Vision services can help you make the most of what is remaining. You can continue enjoying friends, family, hobbies, and other interests just as you always have. The key is to not delay use of these services. You can make an appointment to visit one of our Low Vision Clinics in Grand Rapids, Holland or Muskegon, by calling (616) 458-1187.
In 2020, ABVI became an independent subsidiary of Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital. Both organizations have for more than a century served people with disabilities using therapeutic interventions and specialized technology.
The Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired Offers Assistance To People With Visual Impairments or Blindness. Who We Are - The Association for the blind and Visually Impaired takes pride in giving hope and restoring vision. People often come to us when their eye care professional can no longer correct their vision with glasses, contact lenses, medication or surgery.
The Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired as a rich history. Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, ABVI takes pride in being one of the oldest non-profits in Michigan. ABVI was founded in 1913 by Roberta Griffith, who lost her sight as a child. She's believed to be the first blind woman in the United States to graduate from a school for sighted students.
ABVI's Professional Orientation and Mobility Specialists, Certified Low Vision Therapists, Occupational Therapist, and Licensed Social Workers are here to help. Approximately 88% of people classified as legally blind have some useful vision but have low vision. Although medication, surgery, or conventional eyeglasses may help, they do not fully restore one's vision.
Your gift will support a mother, father, daughter or son struggling with vision loss to learn new skills that help them. Do you shop on Amazon? If so, you can use AmazonSmile to help raise funds for ABVI. Then a percentage of all your purchases through Amazon will be donated back to our organization.
Computer aids and other technologies, such as a closed-circuit television, which uses a camera and television to enlarge printed text. We encourage you to view the Visions Aids Catalog. Orders can be placed by phone, fax, mail (braille or print), or email. For the complete ordering process refer to the How to Order section in our Vision Aids Catalog.