Already we have seen a great difference in the light quality. We're super excited about our whole building being changed to LED, efficient lighting and are looking forward to our first bill! They put a new light in when we had a dark area in our parking lot, and we're loving it. The light quality is great, and all my employees are happy.
Thank you, Energy Smiths! The Energy Smiths installed high quality LED lighting in our offices and customer showrooms. The staff loves the improved brightness and we absolutely love the monthly savings on our utility bill. Thank you for a great product and professional installation! Why is LED Lighting for commercial properties Important? We hear this a lot from property managers. We understand they are some of the busiest people out there - our job is to make their life easier!
Thank you, Energy Smiths! The Energy Smiths installed high quality LED lighting in our offices and customer showrooms. The staff loves the improved brightness and we absolutely love the monthly savings on our utility bill. Thank you for a great product and professional installation! Why is LED Lighting for commercial properties Important? We hear this a lot from property managers. We understand they are some of the busiest people out there - our job is to make their life easier!
The Energy Smiths come from a strong energy-engineering background. For 15 years, we have been working in the energy efficiency industry consulting and designing projects for various customer types in San Diego. Our background allows us to understand the lighting industry as well as the needs of our customers.
We work best on commercial sites with extensive lighting and high energy bills, and take you through the entire energy efficiency process with ease. We have custom design and financing options tailored to your needs giving you the best output and lighting experience!. Our lighting experts survey your facility to identify your needs and build a custom lighting upgrade plan.
The Energy Smiths (TES) is a green engineering and consulting firm. The mission of TES is to provide energy efficiency strategies to our clients that make financial sense. Our company is trained to conduct ASHRAE Level 2 energy assessment reports through the process of client meetings, site visits, billing history analysis, building equipment inventory, data logging, and building energy performance software modeling as needed.
The Energy Smiths have improved security, occupant comfort, and aesthetics in sales showrooms, parking lots, and other areas with heavy lighting needs through a variety of lighting solutions. Look at some of our past LED lighting projects and see if they could have a positive impact on your business!
Reviews (1)
Renee V.
Aug 06, 2019