Our comprehensive lawn care services focus on caring for your lawn, shrubs and plants by controlling your lawn's pests, diseases and weeds - we also offer mosquitoes barriers, perimeter pest control treatment, and fire ant control services. All of our lawn services focus on a systemic approach, which targets existing issues and prevents future ones by applying two forms of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers.
As a local lawn service company of Central Arkansas we focus on native plants, as well as pests, weeds and diseases common to the central Arkansas area. As a result, our team is familiar with the horticultural fungi that could affect your grasses and shrubs, such as take-all patch and Pythium blight and pests that could infest your yard or house, like fire ants, ticks, spiders and fleas.
As a local lawn service company of Central Arkansas we focus on native plants, as well as pests, weeds and diseases common to the central Arkansas area. As a result, our team is familiar with the horticultural fungi that could affect your grasses and shrubs, such as take-all patch and Pythium blight and pests that could infest your yard or house, like fire ants, ticks, spiders and fleas.
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