Autopay is the most reliable way to make your storage payment, as long as, your credit card and credit card billing address is up to date. Do not store food or other perishable items that could decay or attract insects or rodents. Also, do not store flammable or toxic items in your unit including paints and solvents.
Our Temperature Controlled units are heated and cooled, protecting your belongings from extreme temperatures. Temperature Controlled units are perfect for items you would not want to store in a "garage" style atmosphere. None of our units have lights inside of them. Our 14 X 50 units are the only units we that have electricity for an additional fee.
The electrical outlet in the unit is intended for an RV hookup to maintain the charge on your battery. It is not intended to power an entire RV, as a deep freeze hookup or connection to any form of power tool. Fill containers to capacity. Partially full or bulging cartons may tip or collapse. Heavy items like books or tools should be packed in small boxes so they are easy to lift.
Our Temperature Controlled units are heated and cooled, protecting your belongings from extreme temperatures. Temperature Controlled units are perfect for items you would not want to store in a "garage" style atmosphere. None of our units have lights inside of them. Our 14 X 50 units are the only units we that have electricity for an additional fee.
The electrical outlet in the unit is intended for an RV hookup to maintain the charge on your battery. It is not intended to power an entire RV, as a deep freeze hookup or connection to any form of power tool. Fill containers to capacity. Partially full or bulging cartons may tip or collapse. Heavy items like books or tools should be packed in small boxes so they are easy to lift.
This size is approximately 50 square feet. This is a great size to store one extra room of furniture or store belongings outside of your spare room! Perfect for to store belongings during a small remodel. This size is approximately 150 square feet. This size is great for moving a small house! This is a great size for storing larger items like tables, televisions, couches and tool chests.