We create products that architects engineers professional contractors use to preserve the useful life of structures. Conproco introduced ISR (Internal Stress Relief) products in 2019 and has experienced wide acceptance for this proprietary crack resistant family of repair mortars. The full article can be found in "Technical Articles and Publications" in this website.
Conproco is pleased to announce the launch of Matrix Super Fine, repair mortar for terracotta, brick and natural stone when the surface requires exceptionally smooth finish. Find more information on Matrix Super Fine under Masonry Repair & Restoration on this website. This 8 hr class was by far the best training I have been a part of since I started my masonry career 20+ years ago!
The crew at Conproco did a fabulous job organizing and performing the training. I also had the privilege to act as the proctor for this training thru SWRI. I would highly recommend it to anyone in or new to the industry! Great job Larry, Kirstin, Aaron, and Don!
Conproco is pleased to announce the launch of Matrix Super Fine, repair mortar for terracotta, brick and natural stone when the surface requires exceptionally smooth finish. Find more information on Matrix Super Fine under Masonry Repair & Restoration on this website. This 8 hr class was by far the best training I have been a part of since I started my masonry career 20+ years ago!
The crew at Conproco did a fabulous job organizing and performing the training. I also had the privilege to act as the proctor for this training thru SWRI. I would highly recommend it to anyone in or new to the industry! Great job Larry, Kirstin, Aaron, and Don!
Crumbling or soft mortar joints and punky concrete are frequently the result or freeze/thaw cycling, and environmental conditions. Treating the deteriorated surface with a consolidant can be an economical alternative to replacing the deteriorating material. Consolidants chemically react with calcium hydroxide resulting in a densification of the parent material.
90% of all water intrusion problems occur within 1% of the structure's exterior surface area. While individual waterproofing materials and systems continue to improve, no one is improving the necessary, and often critical, detailing that is required to transition from one building component to the next.
Our MARC (Mid-Atlantic Resource Center) offers specifiers and contractors the opportunity to experience the practical considerations of product selection in a controlled environment. Technical guidelines cease to be theoretical when you're able to do a hands-on application on the appropriate substrate.
A green building certification system developed by the U.S.Green Building Council (USGBC). What does LEED do? The LEED rating systems provide a framework for developing and implementing design and construction plans that maximize health and environmental benefits. How does LEED work? LEED credit points are awarded on a 100-point scale, with 10 bonus points available.
Corrosion of reinforcing steel is the most common cause of failures in concrete. In this section we separated repairs into five categories; Aesthetic Repairs, Vertical & Overhead, Horizontal, Crack Injection, and Machine Applied. Each category is further divided into sub-categories to aid in finding the right solution for your problem.
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