Road Soup
Road Soup
Road Soup is a revolutionary Asphalt Repair company involved in various verticals. Although new to the US market, Road Soup has been in the asphalt repair industry for over 33 years and serving over 30 countries. Our products are manufactured in Escondido California and we utilize local recycled materials.

What makes us different from the others in the market? Our products are environmentally friendly. In addition, we're one of the few companies that's polymer based, not emulsion based. This makes the asphalt repair material bond better and hold up longer to old asphalt compared to emulsion materials.

Our cold mix is a versatile strong material that can be used on asphalt, concrete and dirt potholes, utility cuts, manhole and water valve surrounds, secure metal trench plates, and new road construction - all cold applied! Our goal is to help customers save money in pre and post applications by providing a superior product that will last 5 to 8 years.
The passing cars will do the work for you; just make sure you use enough of the mix so it is just above the road surface to allow setting. However, if you wish to compact, this will only improve the quality of your patch and make it more even. The more compaction, the better the results. Yes! Potholes can be fixed even while it's raining or snowing.
Our TL-R asphalt crack filler is a black, rubberized single component cold applied liquid. It's heavy and slow curing, filling up 4mm and wider cracks. Asphalt crack sealer prevents water penetration into the crack, and adheres with the surrounding pavement. TL-R is viscous, single-component elastic bitumen polymer, cold applied, rubber-like viscous liquid.
Reviews (1)
Joshua Mueller
Joshua Mueller
Dec 10, 2020
RoadSoup is amazing! It is so easy to use and stays put where you lay it. Just lay it down and drive over it. I have used other asphalt patch compounds from Homedepot and Lowes, but they tend to crumble apart or take too long to set. RoadSoup is also less expensive and is made from recycled asphalt so it's environmentally friendly too! Shout out to Shani (Founder) and Joey ( Director of Sales) for hand delivering it to my ranch. My private drive had collapsed do to squirrel activity. Thank you so much guys!