During this drought period of new restrictive water regulations, we have rented a 2,000-gallon water truck, and we've been able to negotiate access to clean reclaimed water from the Marin Water District. So we can continue to serve you without impacting Marin's precious water supply. We are a wood restoration and painting company based in Marin County specializing in the cleaning and preservation of natural wood homes and decks.
Many painting companies offer wood preserving in addition to their painting services; we however, specialize in the beautification and preservation of natural wood homes and decks. We pride ourselves in maintaining the highest levels of craftsmanship, professionalism, and integrity through out every phase of the job.
Award-winning Decorative Finish Artist and Muralist Suzanne Gailey offers over 25 years experience specializing in all phases of faux-finishes and hand-applied plasters. We have proudly received the "PEOPLE LOVE MARIN WOOD RESTORATION ON YELP!" award from Yelp, in recognition of our 5 out of 5 star rating and 16 reviews in the past year.
Many painting companies offer wood preserving in addition to their painting services; we however, specialize in the beautification and preservation of natural wood homes and decks. We pride ourselves in maintaining the highest levels of craftsmanship, professionalism, and integrity through out every phase of the job.
Award-winning Decorative Finish Artist and Muralist Suzanne Gailey offers over 25 years experience specializing in all phases of faux-finishes and hand-applied plasters. We have proudly received the "PEOPLE LOVE MARIN WOOD RESTORATION ON YELP!" award from Yelp, in recognition of our 5 out of 5 star rating and 16 reviews in the past year.
In painting, the prep work is 75% of the job. In wood restoration it is even more important because you are applying transparent materials, and any blemishes in the wood will show through. Our technicians are trained to thoroughly clean the wood surface with the necessary means before applying the preservative.
The Power Washing process removes the top layer of dead wood fibers much the same way sandblasters remove rust from metal. We power wash with the grain, at a 45-degree angle so as not to damage the wood grain. We apply a safe, oxalic acid wood brightening solution to remove dark tannin stains that don't come out with power washing alone.
So many times over the years, we've gone out to repair botched jobs after people had done the work themselves or had hired a handy-man to do it. If they had only had a bit of expert advice in the beginning, they could have avoided the disaster. If you are on too tight a budget to hire us to do the work, for a reasonable fee we can evaluate your specific job, guide you to the most appropriate techniques and products, and instruct you in their use.
Polished concrete is rapidly becoming the ultimate decorative flooring solution. This high gloss finish never needs waxes or coatings, and it will transform your concrete floor into a beautiful, functional, low maintenance, high performance floor without the use of coatings. It will produce a floor that is slip resistant, very easy to maintain, and less expensive to keep clean.
All unprotected wood exposed to exterior weathering is susceptible to erosion and biological attack. This natural weathering process results in wood changing its appearance from the beauty of new wood to various shades of gray and eventually to black. Left unprotected, new wood's durability, beauty and natural coloration is under constant attack.
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