Statement from IUPAT General Vice President at Large Jim Williams, Jr. on President Biden's first 100 days in office. IUPAT, CWA and AFL-CIO President Trumka: "Come Hell or high water, we're going to get the PRO Act to President Biden's Desk". The IUPAT Congratulates President-Elect, Joe Biden and Remains Ready to Help Heal the Wounds of Division.
IUPAT Delivers Scathing Statement on Divisive First Presidential Debate, Americans Deserve Better. IUPAT Statement on the Passing of Civil Rights Icons, Congressman John Lewis and C.T. Vivian. The IUPAT Commends the House on Passage of the Moving Forward Act to Fund Infrastructure Jobs.
IUPAT Delivers Scathing Statement on Divisive First Presidential Debate, Americans Deserve Better. IUPAT Statement on the Passing of Civil Rights Icons, Congressman John Lewis and C.T. Vivian. The IUPAT Commends the House on Passage of the Moving Forward Act to Fund Infrastructure Jobs.
The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades represents a growing force of men and women in the United States and Canada who work in the Finishing Trades - Industrial & Commercial Painting, Drywall Finishing, Glazing & Glass Work, Sign & Display and Floor Covering Installation, and many more successful careers in the construction industry and public sector.
Our union, like many modern labor unions, was founded in the 19th century to set standards for uniform compensation in the trades and provide a community for workers to share ideas and solve problems. The Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators of America was organized formally in 1887. Within a year, the union boasted a membership of over 7,000 tradesmen and more than 100 local unions.
Represents a growing force of over 160,000 active and retired men and women in the United States and Canada. Our members work in the Finishing Trades as industrial and commercial painters, drywall finishers, wall coverers, glaziers, glass workers, floor covering installers, sign makers, display workers, convention and show decorators and in many more exciting occupations.
It was created to give at-risk and underprivileged youth academic and vocational training that would prepare them for the job market and end the cycle of poverty. Each year more than 65,000 young men and woman are trained and placed through a network of 112 Job Corps Centers in 47 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.
Weaving stories of rank-and-file members, union apprentices and organizers on the ground, the series gives an inside look at the work our movement is doing across the US and Canada. Organizing is the primary objective of the IUPAT. It allows us to harness the full potential of all of our people in order to create one powerful and unified force.
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