It's effort along with sturdy high quality materials that promote both durability and beauty that makes our work stand out. These ARE NOT factory made -we have a workshop with talented hardworking craftsman with a lifetime of experience and a passion for building. There's no warehouse full of identical stock cabinets here.
They are handcrafted and built to order for every individual customer with custom specifications by skilled artisans - your products are being made in the USA. Finishes are catalyzed which make for a stronger, more durable wear resistant coating to protect the look of the finish.
They are handcrafted and built to order for every individual customer with custom specifications by skilled artisans - your products are being made in the USA. Finishes are catalyzed which make for a stronger, more durable wear resistant coating to protect the look of the finish.
We are furniture and cabinet makers, but we also offer other related services such as home remodeling and cabinet restorations. We take pride in our work and build many unique designs and cover both traditional antique styles as well as more modern styles. Find furniture for your living room, bedroom, bathroom, laundry room, kitchen and office.
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