At some point you may have run into the low hanging web or have seen those pesky ants run across your counter. Have you ever noticed a problem with rodents? Are these critters becoming a nuisance that you are tired of dealing with? At Genesis Termite and Pest Control, we are capable of exterminating these pests and controlling them through an effective
Paige C. —
Excellent customer service. Fast and efficient and I'm already seeing noticeable difference since the service.
Our services include control of Ants, Pill bugs, Sow Bugs, Earwigs, Spiders, Stored food Pests, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Scorpions, Fabric Pests, Beetles, Rodents, non lethal control, of Pigeons, Swallows and bats, just to name a few. Just like people, Trees, plants and shrubs require periodic care whether it be pruning or nutrition.
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