Keep up to date on fire safety and news by checking our blog for factsheets and entries frequently. In the face of disaster, FireWise 2000's team of professionals will help you avoid catastrophic loss caused by fire. Discover our Wildland Fire Protection Consultation services, Wildland Fire Expertise & Post-Fire Rehab Planning.
FIREWISE 2000, LLC specializes in the development of Wildland Fire Protection Plans for residential and commercial properties in the wildland-urban interface (WUI). Our expert team of wildland fire specialists offers a wide range of services to address the challenges of building in high fire hazard severity areas throughout the United States.
We combine the experience of working for 30+ years in forest and chaparral ecosystems with the knowledge of wildland fire behavior to provide a fire protection plan that meets or exceeds mandated federal, state and local fire ordinances. Our goal is to provide the client with a comprehensive, fully fire code compliant fire protection plan that protects your property using the latest innovative materials and methods for fire protection.
FIREWISE 2000, LLC specializes in the development of Wildland Fire Protection Plans for residential and commercial properties in the wildland-urban interface (WUI). Our expert team of wildland fire specialists offers a wide range of services to address the challenges of building in high fire hazard severity areas throughout the United States.
We combine the experience of working for 30+ years in forest and chaparral ecosystems with the knowledge of wildland fire behavior to provide a fire protection plan that meets or exceeds mandated federal, state and local fire ordinances. Our goal is to provide the client with a comprehensive, fully fire code compliant fire protection plan that protects your property using the latest innovative materials and methods for fire protection.
Established in 1997, FIREWISE 2000, LLC was established to provide specialized fire protection planning expertise to address the increased threat to life and property in the Wildland-Urban Interface. FIREWISE 2000, LLC works primarily within California but has also consulted in other states and internationally.
Fire Protection Plans for new building construction in High Fire Hazard Severity Areas as required to meet State, County and local fire codes. Other planning documents we produce include Fuel Modification Plans, Brush Management Plans, Fuel Management Plans, & Fire Safety & Fuel Management Plans. Applies to individual single family dwellings, small to large subdivisions, commercial developments, & resorts/campgrounds.
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