We all have items for whatever reason we no longer have a use for. With consignment, we are using our resale experience to sell those items for you. Consignment period is 90 days. 50% of the selling price to be mailed back to you the following month after the date of sell. You can use your funds for a purchase until it's sent.
We are happy to accept furniture that is modern, contemporary, traditional & quality items with a timeless sense of style. Home accessories, including art, lamps, mirrors and accent decor. Consignments must be in good to mint condition and upholstered items must be clean with no stains, odor, and apparent wear, pet hair, fading or sun-bleaching.
Current styles of furniture must be in "like new" condition, of quality construction, with minimal wear and tear. Out of date furniture can be well constructed and in pristine condition, but if the style is un-sellable today, then we would not be able to accept it.
We are happy to accept furniture that is modern, contemporary, traditional & quality items with a timeless sense of style. Home accessories, including art, lamps, mirrors and accent decor. Consignments must be in good to mint condition and upholstered items must be clean with no stains, odor, and apparent wear, pet hair, fading or sun-bleaching.
Current styles of furniture must be in "like new" condition, of quality construction, with minimal wear and tear. Out of date furniture can be well constructed and in pristine condition, but if the style is un-sellable today, then we would not be able to accept it.