Air conditioner repair, service, and installation in Fort Myers. Serving SW Florida since 1970, we are experienced with cooling and heating systems for your home, office, or business needs. Community Cooling and Heating offers a wide array of a/c services by trained technicians. We take great pride in providing both home owners and local businesses in Fort Myers air conditioner service and repair at a reasonable price.
Services we provide include everything pertaining to Fort Myers air conditioner service, and repair, from scheduled maintenance, inspection, servicing, and repair of your present system, as well as duct cleaning, repairs to heating functions within your central air conditioning equipment, free "second opinions", and 24 hours a day - 7 days a week on call availability.
We pride ourselves on putting the customer first, finding the best options to suit that clients needs and budget, and performing all work according to the highest standards of quality, ethics, and customer service.
Services we provide include everything pertaining to Fort Myers air conditioner service, and repair, from scheduled maintenance, inspection, servicing, and repair of your present system, as well as duct cleaning, repairs to heating functions within your central air conditioning equipment, free "second opinions", and 24 hours a day - 7 days a week on call availability.
We pride ourselves on putting the customer first, finding the best options to suit that clients needs and budget, and performing all work according to the highest standards of quality, ethics, and customer service.
AC Maintenance and RepairsCommunity Cooling and Heating inc Has been serving SW Florida since 1970We service all brands of air conditioning and heating equipment and repair or replace pool heaters 24 hours a day Everyday. We are proud to offer anyone a long list of satisfied clients, many of whom we have been servicing for decades.
Air conditioner installation, the methods used, and the care that is taken often determine how long an air conditioner will last. There is always much talk about this brand of air conditioner or that is best, or better, or worse. In our experience it seems that more often than not, the multitude of air conditioner manufacturers are all about on par with each other with regard to durability and longevity.
We are not limited by commitments to any specific air conditioning manufacturer. This means we can offer you a wider variety of options to choose from that suit your individual needs and budget, as well as the highest and best value for your money. We are of the firm belief that even the best of equipment is only as good as the man and or company that installs it!
Proper air conditioner maintenance is the best way to keep your a/c in prime shape for the challenges of a Fort Myers summer!. Summer is hard on Ft Myers air conditioners!
To get maximum comfort at minimum overall cost it is recommended to have your a/c unit checked out twice a year, once in the spring before your unit has to work at maximum capacity, and again at the end of the year to accurately assess the toll the long, hard summer has taken on your air conditioning equipment.Proper air conditioner maintenance includes having a licensed air conditioning contractor to inspect the inside of your hvac equipment.
To get maximum comfort at minimum overall cost it is recommended to have your a/c unit checked out twice a year, once in the spring before your unit has to work at maximum capacity, and again at the end of the year to accurately assess the toll the long, hard summer has taken on your air conditioning equipment.Proper air conditioner maintenance includes having a licensed air conditioning contractor to inspect the inside of your hvac equipment.